Yohan Beugin - June, 2024
Since a few weeks, I have adopted a new setup to create my presentations that I am quite happy about. I now create my slide decks using a Markdown file with specific syntax, this is then parsed by pandoc to create a reveal.js HTML presentation ready to show to give a talk. This new setup supports several features that I had long been looking for on GNU/Linux.
Here is my new setup: https://github.com/yohhaan/pandoc-reveal.js-slides
Here is the corresponding demo: https://yohhaan.github.io/pandoc-reveal.js-slides/demo.html
Along the years, I have tested out several solutions to try to optimize the way I create my presentations. But, none quite really worked out for me and fulfilled all my needs:
This was until I stumbled upon this blog post that pointed me to a new solution based on markdown files, reveal.js, and pandoc. After reading the documentation, trying it out, editing my own slides template and theme, and configuring dependencies and build correctly, I recently got to use this new workflow for the creation and the presentation of the slides on one of my research papers. It still took me some time to generate this slide deck as I was still adjusting my template and theme along the way. But, now that this is done, I expect that I will just be able to mainly have to focus on the content rather than the appearance for my future presentations.
If you are curious, check out my setup and the demo that I made open source at the following URL: https://github.com/yohhaan/pandoc-reveal.js-slides